Property Tax Reports

This property tax information is intended for city officials and staff to use for preparing city budgets, communicating with city residents, and understanding how the tax base and tax rates change over time. The tax tables use data from the Minnesota Department of Revenue to present a wide range of information in an accessible way. City officials and staff can learn the makeup of the local tax base, the different tax rates that apply in their community, and calculate estimated taxes on homes. Historical data is included here to allow for looking at trends over time.

If you have questions or need assistance further analyzing the tax data, contact League Policy Analysis Manager Rachel Walker at

2023 Property Tax Information

  • 2023 Property Tax Data Table (xls)
    Table containing 2023 data on all Minnesota cities as well as League member townships. Worksheet 2 of the file contains a glossary of terms used in the table.

2022 Property Tax Information

2021 Property Tax Information

2020 Property Tax Information

2019 Property Tax Information